Matt McConeghy

Art has always been a tremendous influence for Matt McConeghy. Even though his style and approach has changed throughout the years, it remains a consistent tool he relies on. Matt's artistic foray began with small drawings of The Wizard of Oz characters, which still live in a photo album tucked away in his childhood home in Michigan. Those initial sketches sparked a fascination and began shaping him as an artist. 

Growing up, Matt's family encouraged him to be creative and emulate what he saw around him. This creative curiosity led him to practice art academically, allowing him to explore a variety of artistic styles - eventually settling on oil painting. Matt continues to make art in a casual, therapeutic way producing beautiful landscapes on wood panels. His work for Dancing Kumquat Press has revived his interest in cartoon characters and watercolors - specifically gouache - a subject and medium that influenced him greatly as a child. His work can be seen at: