Katy Jorgensen
For Katy Jorgensen, drawing is a transcription of heart - an act looping heart to pencil to paper to brain and back again. It uniquely satisfies her like no other medium can. She started drawing as a child. Her family's support of this passion gave impetus to confidence and creativity in the classroom. Her high school art teacher, Bill Schlegel, (now retired) pushed her as an artist, while still giving her freedom to explore art's boundaries and appreciate its simple beauty - like the way a page of BFK Reeves paper feels in your hand.
Katy continued her art education studying full-time studio at PCC Rock Creek with three amazing artists, including Joseph Mann, who remains a close friend and mentor to this day. Mann's philosophy of "don't think too much, just get to work" resonates with Katy's artistic style. Making a mistake is integral to the process and could end up being a favorite part of a piece. Too much precision could be the thing holding you back.
As an artist, Katy focuses on the entire space of a composition. Her illustrations are simple but impactful due to her consideration of negative space as much as any line of ink or color. She finds young children's artwork inspirational in its organic use of the whole composition and is excited about creating art for this demographic. Katy spends much of her time sinking into a painting, getting up close and leaving reality behind. Her commercial work can be seen in chalkboard art and paintings adorning the walls of businesses in Portland. She hopes to take the plunge into fine art gallery exhibits soon. www.katyjorgensenpaint.com