Vo Minh McBurney

Vo Minh McBurney, also known as, "Emperor Vo," takes a critical view of social, political and cultural issues. His artwork deconstructs the American dream, explores the underbelly of nursery rhymes and pokes copious holes into traditional fairy tales ... HA!! Just kidding. (Had you going for a second there.)
It's not so much about highbrow, abstract metaphors. Emperor Vo's art is a culmination of everything he loved as a child and still loves to this day. He specializes in repurposing found art - those paintings collecting dust at your local thrift store become a juxtaposition of fantasy vs. reality, new vs. old. This idea of making art out of "trash" has taken him down a creative journey where no objects are left untouched. Clocks, records, even glassware have been transformed by Emperor Vo into pieces far more fun and interesting than their originals. When he's not saving the neglected art of the world, Vo can be found editing films while eating the best Pho' Portland has to offer. His work can be found at http://vomcburney.wix.com/emperorvo.